Gold in the Dark – Adventure (PDF)


A digital copy of the adventure for Wandering’s Call, Gold in the Dark (PDF)

A thrilling and chilling adventure designed to test the resolve of the characters, as well as the bond between them. This is a tough encounter and not one recommended as anyone’s first that they play in Wandering’s Call. The adventure begins, unusually, out in the glorious sunshine of the south Cornish Coast.

Pages: 15
Difficulty: 2-3
Players: 3-6
Length: 3-4 hours
Content Warnings: Descriptions of torture, as well as desecrated human remains.

SKU: GID-PDF-1 Category:

A thrilling and chilling adventure designed to test the resolve of the characters, as well as the bond between them. This is a tough encounter and not one recommended as anyone’s first that they play in Wandering’s Call. The adventure begins, unusually, out in the glorious sunshine of the south Cornish Coast.


The stiff coastal breeze whips at your clothing while the sun beats down from overhead, high in the sky.

The Wandering has guided you to the rocky cliffs on the south coast. The Wandering fades from your mind with, unusually, a final gentle tug downwards. Approaching the edge of the precipice, you hear, then see, the waves crashing against the rocks below and the seagulls wheeling over your heads. Along the cliff edge there are signs dotted every few metres saying the ground is unstable here and warns of the danger of getting too close. To the east along the coastline, about 20km away (12.5 miles), you can see a small seaside town, the beach full with people enjoying the sun. Small boats bob across the waves between buoys and, far out to sea, you can see huge cargo ships and tankers slowly creeping along. Where you are though, on this walking trail out in the countryside, it is quiet and peaceful.

There seems to be a bit of a rocky outcrop far below you, and the more perceptive of you will see rotten and bleached wood and netting scattered around the higher places, all tangled together with seaweed. You see something glittering too…something golden! The rocks look to be around a 30 metre drop, almost straight down.

The way down is treacherous, but the Wandering seems to suggest you must find a way…how would you like to proceed?


Wandering's Call


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